
kismographic is a word made up by 1101010.
Roots are:
- kismet - fate or destiny
- graphic - visual representation

Therefore the intended meaning is "a visual representation of one's fate/destiny".

When i made this page on 2010/09/24, there were no other hits for the word 'kismographic' in a Google Search.

As of 2010/11/30, the google search finds this page and one other page that references it.

Letterpod Contest

What's that? You heard about this on the letterpod and there's something about a contest? Oh... well, just log your "find" on the AtlasQuest virtual LPKG. The passkey is "visionofdestiny". You can check the finders list to see what place you came in! There will be more than one prize, so go ahead and log if someone else has found it already.